For Business Owners and Entrepenuers |
New Leads in 7 Days, Or Less....Guaranteed!
Attend This One-Day Live Workshop and Leave With Your Own
From The Desk Of Robert Stanley
-Lead Generation Marketing Expert
Dear Business Owner,
If your interested in finding a new way to generate a consistent flow of leads or just looking for an other way to generate more business, then you need to attend my upcoming lead generation workshop.
And by the end of our day working together you will have:
- A Functioning Lead Generation Funnel
- A New Lead Generation Method You Can Use Over and Over
- Insider Marketing Methods Stolen From Big Companies and Ad Agencies
- AND... My Triple-Satisfaction Results Guarantee ( You Risk Nothing )
If Your Skeptical, I Am Not Surprised...
Most businesses are hammered by an endless number of sales calls and emails promising new internet tricks and marketing gimmicks to bring in new business and customers.... Unfortunately they often fail.
I have recently uncovered a unique formula for generating a nearly endless stream of leads and sales using some not-so traditional marketing techniques.
Now you might be wondering if this is legal, or unethical or something like that.....
I can assure you nothing that shady is occurring here. However, I can tell you that this has been tested with...
Mortgage companies, investment firms, lawyers, doctors, service companies, information marketers, real estate agents, authors, speakers, event promotions, B2B and B2C companies of all types.
This is very exciting and it seems to work for anyone, in any business and for any reason.

But Don't Take My Word For It....
It Does Not Matter If You Have Failed....
....with radio print, TV, Internet, cold calling or ANY other media that you might use for lead generation.
If you have tried and failed or were simply unsatisfied with the results of your past efforts... then you need to signup for this workshop.
After Six (6) years of testing hundreds of techniques and methods I have finally built a fool-proof formula for generating consistent leads for any market. Regardless of the business size, type or industry.

If You Would You Like To ...

- Create or Add A Reliable Source Of New Leads For Your Business?
- Control Your Lead Flow Like A Volume Setting On Your Stereo?
- Reduce Your Advertising Costs And Increase Response?
- Avoid Wasting Money on Ineffective Advertising?
- Beat The Competition, Increase Market Share and Build Your Brand?
The truth is that marketing and lead generation has CHANGED DRASTICALLY in the last 7 months and chances are... you were too busy to notice!
If your interested in getting more leads and gaining an "Edge" on the competition then all you have to do is register and....
You Will Receive:
During this one day workshop we will be building your lead generation system together and I will be there step-by-step. We start this process with a discovery call where you and I review your business needs and ensure that this workshop will be a good fit. This step happens BEFORE you risk a dime.:
- Discovery Call - 30 Min Phone Consultation
- Two - Professional Landing Pages
- Auto-responder Integration
- 4-Part Email Series (swipe files)
- Your Own Facebook Custom Audience
- Facebook List Import Assistance and Training
- Facebook Ad Campaign
- Ad Retargeting Training
- Analytics Integration & Setup Training
- Copy Writing Assistance
- And... Most Important of All, Guaranteed Leads
"Several New Clients, Revenue and Profits"
Before you helped me I was like a fish flopping around on the shoreline waiting to die a slow death. I was in trouble and didn't know what to do.
Fortunately, due to you, things are very different now!
What you taught me is like GPS that takes me exactly where I need to go and turns into a new sale. I know have several new clients, revenue and profits that all come from what you taught me in a couple of hours.
Andy Curry, Colorado
Guys like Andy are rare...
....because he takes IMMEDIATE and consistent action. And not many people are that way. In fact the information and methods that will be shared are not for everyone. This is one of the reasons that our discovery call is a required first step. And I feel obligated to tell you who should not come, just to be certain this is for you....
- Anyone who is unwilling to invest in the advertising needed to put this system into action. That is correct, you will need to purchase advertising to "fuel your lead generation engine".
- Anyone who fears technology and the thought of change. Or thinks that they can keep doing things the old way. Stubborn, unable to take direction or suggestions, set in their ways or other variations of the same.
- Know-it-all book-smart monday morning quarterbacks, opinionated, unpracticed business gurus without experience or openness. ( I doubt that is you or you wouldn't even be reading this). We have bouncers... if you do show up.
- Anyone who thinks spending $297 is too much money to build a lead generation system or those who are offended at the idea that information is sold rather than handed out free. Sorry, this is not another government program, you won't find any "free" healthcare here.
I know...
Some of the disqualifications seem ridiculous but believe me, they aren't. Most people aren't like you and I. They are perfectly happy making minimum wage or think that struggling and frustration are part of business and that this somehow builds character.
Unlike those "other people" I am guessing you want:
- More time to do the things you want
- More money and more profits
- More publicity, exposure and success
- More than you have now....
And you deserve more. That is why I guarantee that this event will be worth every penny and stand behind your satisfaction 100% with a triple guarantee.
"Ok But... Is This Right For Me?"
If your a business owner or entrepreneur and your looking for new ways to get more leads and sales then this is definately for you.
This works for:
- B2B Companies
- B2C Companies
- Companies Selling Services
- Companies Selling Products
- Entrepreneurs and Startups
- Authors, Speakers and Coaches
- Real Estate Professionals
- Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists
- E-commerce Companies
- ANYONE who needs more customers
If You Want...
- MORE leads while spending less time and money.... then this is for you.
- To build a consistent source of high quality leads... then this event is for you.
- To outpace the competition, improve your brand and build a system for creating repeatable business.
- Create compelling advertising that attracts the best prospects and repels the worst.... then you need to be at this event.
How Does This Work? What Happens After I Signup?
Discovery Call
Immediately After You Purchase Your Ticket, You Will Be Registered For Our One-on-One Discovery Call. During That Call We Will Discuss Your Business, Your Product, and Your Process. Then We Will Discuss How This Method Of Lead Generation Can Be Used To Help You and Your Particular Business Situation. * Last minute registrants can meet face-to-face at the event.
Before The Event
Before The Event You Will Be Given Access to Our Private Facebook Group Which Contains Checklists and Materials For The Workshop. You Will Also Have That Ability to Post Questions and Get Support.
During The Event
On The Day Of The Event We Will Work Together To Build Advertising and Lead Generation Systems To Get You More Business by Using Proven Advertising and Lead Generation Techniques.
Act Fast - Time Is Running Out |
Event Location Details
San Diego CA - Address TBD
- Friday May 2nd
- 9:00 AM - Start
- 5:00 PM - Finish
Here Is What You Need To Do Next
Click The ORANGE Button to Reserve your seat and setup your discovery call. Once you complete the form on the next page, it will take you to a scheduling application to coordinate our meeting.
During the 30min discovery call, we will discuss your current business or project as it relates to this workshop. Additionally, we will mutually determine if this system will work for your specific business or project. You will be asked to complete a brief survey prior to the call.

Lead Generation 101. Designed for new businesses or inexperienced marketers. Specifically built to ensure you have the fundamentals for success.
- Bonus - Copywriting Course
- Bonus - Product Creation Course
Both 101 and 202 combined. Save $100 and our exclusive bonuses when buy today.
Lead Generation 202 Class. Designed for anyone who has experience marketing products and services online.

#1 – If, after the 30 minute discovery call, either one of us determine this workshop is not for you, you will be refunded your ticket price.
#2 – If, at noon on the day of the workshop, you determine this not for you, your full investment will be refunded.
#3 – 10x seven day guarantee. If, by seven days after the workshop, you have no new leads, or you don’t multiply your list by a factor of ten (10x), your investment will be refunded.

Q.Can I Bring My Spouse or Business Partner or Send An Employee in My Place?
A.Yes, additional attendees are $100 but you need to be the one on the discovery call. If your sending an employee in your place it is highly recommended that you attend the discovery call.
Q.What Should I Expect, What Will I Need to be Prepared. Do I have to buy anything else?
A.You will not be sold or pitched anything during this workshop. You will need a laptop, pen, paper and notes from our discovery call. Additional items may be required depending upon the discovery call results. A complete PDF checklist will be provided for you along with a preparation webinar and call.
Q.What Is The Discovery Call?
A.During the 30min discovery call, we will discuss your current business or project related to this workshop. Additionally, we will mutually determine if this system will work for your specific business or project. You will be asked to complete a brief survey prior to the call.
Q.What If I Already Have A Lead Funnel?
A.ou Still Need to Come.. Unless You Are Certain That It Cannot Be Improved. At A Minimum You Should Schedule Your Risk-Free Phone Consultation so We Can Review It Together.
Q.Who Is Robert Stanley?
A.Robert is a marketing consultant, information marketer, entrepreneur and investor. He has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and business generate leads, sales and profits by leveraging new innovations in marketing. You can learn more about him here.
Q.What if I can't make on that day, can I still gain access to this information?
A.Yes! You have (2) two options:
Option #1: Keep an eye on the event calendar and upcoming workshops in your area and signup for email notifications.
Option #2: Although you wont have the advantage of my personal assistance (like the workshop), you can signup for the online version.
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